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If you are left with neck and back pain after a traumatic accident, our carefully selected and highly-trained staff is ready to help you find comfort again.

Physical Therapist


Neck pain can be caused by an auto injury or a fall. The neck is vulnerable and susceptible to injury. Muscle, ligament, nerve, and spine injuries are common causes of neck pain.


Neck pain can be acute or chronic. It may spread to the head, shoulders, arms, and hands. Acute neck pain begins suddenly, usually after an injury. Acute neck pain resolves as the injury heals, usually within several days or weeks. Chronic neck pain may last longer than three months, be constant, or be caused by structural changes in the spine from degenerative diseases.


Whiplash is one of the most common of all car accident injuries, with over one million incidents each year. Although it can describe a large range of neck injuries, it is typically used to describe hyperflexion and hyperextension injuries. Early care is highly recommended to prevent the development or worsening of Whiplash Syndrome.  Immediately after an injury, the body begins to form scar tissue.  The longer it takes to get the help you need, the worse it may get.


Many neck and back injuries don't show themselves right away. Many of them entail seemingly minor damage, but given over time, the damage can increase to the point of extreme debilitation.


In some cases, neck pain indicates serious injury and requires a doctor’s care. If you have neck pain that continues for more than a week, is severe, or is accompanied by other symptoms, contact the doctors at Creighton Health Care immediately.

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